Estate Planning
Protect your Family & Preserve your Assets
Estate Planning Services
Trusts, Wills, Advance Healthcare Directive, Durable Power of Attorney, General Power of Attorney, Financial Power of Attorney, Limited Power of Attorney, Real Estate Power of Attorney, Minor (child) Power of Attorney, Grandparents’ Medical Consent form, Revocation of Power of Attorney, Business/Property Transfers, Joint Venture Agreements, Ownership Updates, Gift Deed, Transfer-on-Death Deed, Prenups, Postnuptial Agreement, Claim for Abandoned Property and more.
Popular Estate Planning Services

Last Will & Testament
A Last Will & Testament is a legal document that details your final wishes regarding how your property and assets will be dispersed after death. The Last Will & Testament is a detailed set of instructions naming beneficiaries to your estate and exactly what property and assets each beneficiary will receive.

Gift deeds
A gift deed transfers title to real property from one party to another with no exchange of consideration, monetary or otherwise. Usually used to transfer property between family members or to gift property as a charitable act or donation.

Pour-Over Will
A Pour-Over Will is a legal document which is used in conjunction with a Living Trust. Upon your death, a Pour-Over Will automatically transfers any missed property to your Living Trust. This ensures that all your property is protected and distributed as specified in your Living Trust.

Living Will
A Living Will is a legal document conveying your medical treatment wishes in the event you become unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate. A Living Will can grant consent to an autopsy, state whether you want to be kept on life-support, and much more.
(Note: Living Will is usually in conjunction with an Advance Healthcare Directive.)

Revocable Living Trust
A Revocable Living Trust can be a valuable estate planning tool that determines how your assets are handled after you die. It allows you to stay in control of your assets as a trustee while you’re alive and arrange how your assets will be managed after you pass. A Revocable Living Trust can be modified or revoked at any time and can potentially save your family a great deal of time, hassle, and money by avoiding probate.

Transfer-on-Death Deed or (“TOD”)
Allows you to name one or more beneficiaries who will inherit your property after your death without the need for probate court or a trust.

End-of-Life Plan
End-of-life planning typically provides you with tools to control their financial and health care decisions when they are no longer physically or mentally able to. Provide your loved ones and care team with clear instructions and preferences for the type and place of care, your funeral, burial, and more. (Note: End-of-Life Plan usually includes a Living Will, Advance Healthcare Directive and Financial Power of Attorney)

Advance Health Care Directive
An Advance Healthcare Directive allows you to outline exact instructions on how you wish to proceed with your healthcare in the event you become unable to speak for yourself. In addition, this document lets you appoint an agent who has the legal authority to make healthcare and treatment decisions on your behalf. Advance Healthcare Directives are durable, which means they don't come into effect unless you become incapacitated.

Financial Power of Attorney
A Financial Power of Attorney gives someone you name (agent) the authority to handle legal or financial matters for you under specific circumstances. This document can be used if you become incapacitated or unable to make financial decisions. A Financial Power of Attorney can also be used for short-term purposes: for example, you’re going overseas and want to create a Financial Power of Attorney so someone can pay your bills, sell your property, or handle other business on your behalf.

General Power of Attorney
A General Power of Attorney grants broad powers to someone of your choosing (agent). This person has the same authority as you to make decisions, handle your finances, and manage your assets. With one exception, agents may not gift themselves with the principal's money or property. Additionally, if you (the principal) becomes incapacitated, the authority granted by the General Power of Attorney will end.

Legacy Planning
The process of planning and distributing assets from a person to their loved ones is known as legacy planning. A legacy plan involves preparing a plan of how your assets will be distributed to your beneficiaries and leaving something meaningful for those close to you. This important planning tool allows you to leave an impactful and long-lasting legacy that aligns with your values.

Revocation of Power of Attorney
A Revocation of Power of Attorney allows you (the principal) to revoke or cancel an existing Power of Attorney.

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